Basically you need a CV to apply for a job. But many of us do not know how to make a CV. Let's take a look at all the details about CV, from work of CV to CV writing rules.
বাংলাদেশে সিভি কিভাবে লিখতে হয়?
What is a CV? (কারিকুলাম ভিটা বা সিভি কি?)
The full form of CV is Curriculum Vitae which is a Latin phrase. Its Bengali meaning is the chronology of life. CV is a collection of all the information of professional and educational life.
The difference between CV and Resume - CV vs Resume (সিভি ও রেজুমে এর মধ্যে পার্থক্য কি?)
Generally speaking, CV and resume are very similar. Since both the CV and the Resume refer to a person's educational qualifications, occupation, skills, achievements, etc. In this case, the motive of both is the same.
However, there are some differences between CV and resume. The two are seen differently in different parts of the United States and Europe. The résumé usually consists of one page. It is a French word, which means essence in Bengali.
The CV, on the other hand, gives a complete account of a person's life. As a result, the length of the CV in the resume is longer than this. The CV can be a few pages long. However, the resume is usually one page.
CVs are used for career and educational purposes. Resume, on the other hand, is used in all general matters. In many countries, including India, South Africa, Australia and Bangladesh, CVs and resumes are considered the same in different sectors.
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Why CV is important? (সিভি কেন দরকারি?)
CV is submitted for job application. But the jury will consider your qualifications by looking at your CV before calling you for a job interview. In other words, the CV for the position serves as an identification of your qualifications.
The CV is the first means of getting to know the employer as an applicant. No matter how experienced you are, if your CV fails to catch the eye of the employer; In that case, it is doubtful whether you will be called at all for the job interview. So CV is able to create airspace gap when it comes to getting a job.
Before writing the CV (সিভি লেখার পূর্বে যেসকল বিষয় মেনে চলতে হবে)
You have learnt why CV is so important. Now you need to know how to write a CV. But before writing a CV, let's learn about some of the rules and regulations of writing a CV.
Suppose you find a good CV that you like a lot. However, it would be completely foolish to continue copying the CV as your own because you liked it. As your CV may set you apart from the other ten in terms of employment, your CV must be unique.
Since CVs are used for career or career related purposes, refrain from using colored paper in case of CVs. It is always best to write a CV on a white page. Also use easily readable fonts for computer printed CVs. However, in the case of different typography or clip-art in the CV can use the color deliberately.
Another important thing in case of CV is to check every word of the whole CV separately. Even a slight spelling or grammatical mistake in the CV can ruin your dream job. These minor mistakes in the CV are considered by the employers as a sign of negligence in the job.
The personal information mentioned about you in the CV such as name, date of birth, parents' name, etc. must be written in accordance with your academic certificate. There is also no need to write Mr or Mrs before your name in the CV.
Many people write Resume / Bio-data / CV / Curriculum Vitae etc. as the title on the CV. Eliminate this type of writing in case of CV. This is because the document itself says that it is your CV.
Try to keep the email address provided in the CV as professional as possible. For example: email looks more professional than . Also refrain from providing multiple phone numbers in the CV. Always open, enter your number.
Refrain from providing unnecessary personal information in the CV. For example, in order to get a job, the information about the total number of members of your family is completely unnecessary. So keep only the necessary information in the CV. You can also decorate your CV with the job you are applying for.
Many have national identity card numbers in their CVs. There is no harm in not giving your National Identity Card number in the CV if it is not specified in the job circular. Rather, it is better not to read such highly personal information.
In addition to the things mentioned, try to include a person who is relevant to the job as a reference in the job CV. Also, before adding someone as a reference, be sure to ask their permission. But yes, one (or more) teachers in your educational institution may be the ideal referral for you.
Do not provide false or inaccurate information about your experience and skills in the CV. In this case, even if you get a job with fake information, you may have to suffer later.

Let's learn the rules of writing a CV.
How to write a CV
The CV usually covers the biography of a person. The CV contains some personal information, educational qualifications, experience, skills, etc. The CV is created by doing all these things together. Let us know about the main parts of a CV.
Personal information
First of all you have to mention your name in the CV. The name mentioned in the CV must be the same as the name in your academic certificate. In addition to the name, other important personal information, such as date of birth, email, mobile number, etc. must be in the CV.
It is also mandatory to properly mention the permanent address and current address in the CV. In addition to the information mentioned, you must add a recent photograph of yourself to your CV.
Educational Qualifications
Properly mention your educational qualifications in the CV. But refrain from providing unnecessary information. For example, it is not necessary to mention how many marks you got in each subject in HSC examination. So briefly add it to your CV according to your educational qualification certificate.
When writing the educational qualification in the CV, provide the name of the degree, duration of the course, name of the educational institution and board, year of publication of the examination results, results, etc. accurately.
Also refrain from adding unnecessary educational qualifications to the CV in line with the job and your qualifications. For example, if it is essential to pass a master's degree in order to apply for a job, it is not necessary to mention the results of your PEC examination in educational qualifications.
In what organization, in what position, for how many years have you previously worked; It is very important to mention that in the CV. In case of mentioning previous work experience, you must provide information like name of the organization, job title, job time, good achievement, etc.
In addition to your experience and educational qualifications, your skills are most useful when it comes to getting a job. Linguistic skills must be mentioned in the CV. You can also mention it in your CV if you have taken part in exams like IELTS or TOEFL.
As the present age is the age of computer, it is necessary to have different computer related skills in order to apply for any job. However, in this case, try to summarize your skills.
In addition to these, any skills you have acquired can also be mentioned in the CV in certain cases. For example, if you have been involved in Scout or BNCC while in school or college, you can share those experiences in your CV.
How you will fulfill your responsibilities after being hired for the position you are applying for; Mention a brief idea about him in the CV. This part of the CV is usually 2-4 lines.
Objective is a very important issue in getting a job. Although many people copy and paste it. But it is very important to know how to write it accurately. It also happens that the objective written by many means that he does not know himself - because he has copied it from somewhere else. If so, you may find yourself in an embarrassing situation on the interview board.
Although it is not mandatory to mention your hobbies in the CV, you can mention your hobbies in the CV to give the employer an idea of your interest in various subjects.
It is important to mention one or more persons in the CV as a reference. You can also add a teacher from the college or university that you have just passed or from as a reference in your CV. Also if the company you are applying to has a significant position in the company you know; In that case you can also add him in the CV as a reference.
How to create a CV (সিভি যেভাবে তৈরি করবেন)
We have learned the rules of writing CV. Now let's talk about how to make a CV. Since CV is used for professional work, it is better to submit printed copy of CV in job application. You can also upload PDF file as soft copy for online application.
CVs can be created in multiple ways. It is possible to create a CV with the popular document editor software, MS Word. You can also use Google Docs to create a CV from a browser similar to Microsoft Word. Click here to see templates or samples of different CVs and resumes. You can follow their design if you want.
Apart from these, CV can also be created online using various websites or apps. Resumonk and are two popular websites for creating CVs online. Besides , CV can be downloaded in PDF format by providing all the information correctly using LinkedIn .
In any case, when submitting CV online, you must submit your CV in PDF format. And in case of submitting paper CV, you must use good paper while printing.
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